
Germany 2007

In May 2007 we took a trip to Chris’ mum’s home town, Bad Salzuflen in the Lippe district of North West Germany.

Chris’ aunt uncles and cousins made us very welcome.

Some pics of our travels

Bad Salzuflen

Bad Salzuflen dates back to around 1100AD and is famous for its salt production, which once apon a time made it a very wealthy town. Today it is a Spa town and is visited by many people recuperating from illness.

The Kurpark

The kurpark at the centre of the town has an aqueduct at its entrance that cascades spring water, rich in mineral salts, over stacks of branches providing a huge surface area that allows the waters to evaporate into the surrounding air. The remaining salt residue sticks to the branches and forms mini stalactites.

These aqueducts were being reconstructed when we visited hence the fencing

The Leopold Sprudel


The trip offered us an opportunity to get this shot of Becky, her mum, her mum and her mum.

Becky, complete with eye gunk


This impressive statue of Herman Arminius stands on a hill just outside Detmold. Herman was a German soldier that was trained by the Romans and went on to unite many Germanic tribes against the Romans.

Chris’ uncle Manfred drove us out one day to see both this and the Extersteine.

Careful Manfred, the salute is a bit dicey…

The Extersteine is also just a short distance from detmold.

Legend has it that if the boulder falls so will germany. As you can see from this shot they are taking no chances and have cemented and tethered the boulder to the supporting rock!

Chris’ mum Hannelore and Brother Manfred

On our last whole day we drove out to Marienmunster with Cousin Kirsten to meet cousin Klaus and Family for a chilled afternoon at an old monastery, where we met Klaus’ wife Barbara and kids Thore and Friederike.

Put her down Hannelore, you will do yourself an injury.

Thore doing boys stuff

Manfred keeping Becky’s hand away from them whiskers.

Family gathering