
Rebecca Alexandra Tierney – ‘Cone-Head’ to her friends

Born at 4.16pm 25 06 2006 At Watford General Hospital

weighing in at a hefty 8 lb 15oz

 Mum and baby doing well. Dad messing about on the PC as usual

“Oi you with the Camera, where’s my mum”

“Come any nearer and you’ll get a right hook”

“I’m not chinese, I’m just a bit squished”

“I found this bit of fluff in my cot. What’s happening with the NHS these days.”

“Crumbs where’s my silver spoon, whose the tramp with the Camera”

“Enough Enough a girl’s got to get her beauty sleep”

“Put me back in, it’s too noisy out here”

Sunday 2nd July 2006 – One week old

Well a few months have past and Becky has had her first Christmas, started eating solids and crawling (backwards only at present).

Here are a few pics from the last few months…

It’s 3 in the morning, it must be time to get up.

I can feed myself, I’m an expert

back to looking cute

There was a time when you could put her down and return to find her in the same place. not anymore.

Birthday Girl was 1 years old on 25/6/2007. Where did that year go!

The leaning tower of Redbourn

What was the matter with one from Sainsbury’s….Gee thanks mum

Yum Yum It tastes better than……whoops… it looks lovely mum

Mummy and Daddy bought be my first mobile and it hasn’t even got a camera on it.

“You’ll never guess what they got me for my birthday, did I tell you it hasn’t even got a camera”


Chris’ sister Dorit teaches Becky the royal wave – or is it the other way around.

2nd Birthday

Pure Joy

Page 3 Girl

In celebration of St Georges day (2007), fledglings nursery had a kids party (well a slice of dry bread anyway).

Becky managed to get centre stage for this shot that appeared in the Hemel Gazette.

Her first and last appearance on Page 3!

Watching CBeebies…

Got a Fag mum?

Look dad I can pee with no hands

I know its a mini but I’m minier. Get me some leg extensions and a bumper cushion I’m taking it for a test drive.

Get out of the way Dad I’m turning right.

OK I’ll take it.

A day at the petting farm at Woodside Animal Park

Summer & Autumn 2007

I nicked Abigail’s swing.

Cousin Abigail – That’s hand ball I think.

Milk Maid – Where’s that cow. i’m going to crush its tits

A day out at Hatfield House

Holidays August 07 Torrevieja


Cafe society Torrevieja style

Becky’s 3rd

Hedgehog vodoo

Becky’s 4th birthday -Big Space
